Prayer for the Year

  1. * I am catching up with the highest wisdom this year in Jesus name. I overcome backwardness and stagnation in Jesus name.
  2. * Because of Jesus, nothing will work against me this year in Jesus name, foundational powers determined to waste me shall be wasted in Jesus name.
  3. * The plots of the wicked against me shall fall upon them in Jesus name. Sacrifices made to affect my success this year are destroyed in Jesus name.
  4. * I shall be built up mightily this year; I will have plenty of silver in Jesus name. Any curse of unsettled life, home, marriage etc is broken in Jesus name.
  5. * Territorial bondage over my destiny is broken this year in Jesus name. All spirits and power assigned to work against me this year are bound in Jesus name.
  6. * I silence the voice of any idol against my life this year in Jesus name. The fire of God will consume all the programmes of the enemy for my life.
  7. * I receive deliverance from any family limitation this year in Jesus name. I release myself from inherited limitation in Jesus name.
  8. * God’s favour will locate me this year in Jesus name. I am planted by the rivers of water.
  9. * Every blessing that have passed me by shall be restored. This my year of divine restoration for laughter.
  10. * Thou power of the earth, sun, moon, and stars, you will release my blessing in Jesus name.
  11. * The power of aimlessness in my root is dead this year in Jesus name.
  12. * Events planted in the year to limit me shall scatter in Jesus name.
  13. * All demonic hindrances to my financial well being this year are paralyzed in Jesus name.
  14. * Oh Lord, dissolve every root of disgrace in my life this year by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
  15. * Every ancestral debt collector waiting for me this year die in Jesus name.
  16. * Power in the heavenlies, land, and sea shall work for my good this year in Jesus name.
  17. * Circle of backwardness in my life break in Jesus name. My life is going forward this year.
  18. * Every witchcraft altar raised against my progress this year shall catch fire in Jesus name.
  19. * Every cause/covenant responsible for financial embarrassment in my life this year be revoked in Jesus name.
  20. * Evil power assigned to contest with my voice this year are silenced in Jesus name.
  21. * I will fulfill my divine mandate this year in Jesus name. No power will be able to stand me.
  22. * God’s anointing upon my life will give me favour this year in Jesus name.
  23. * Every hindering force to my prosperity this year shall die in Jesus name.
  24. * Every foundation of hardship in my life will be shaken down and destroyed in Jesus name.
  25. * I receive deliverance from any family limitation in Jesus name.
  26. * I sanitize my foundation with the blood of Jesus and fire in Jesus name.
  27. * This year I shall continue to live by the divine purpose of God for my life .in Jesus name.
  28. * By the blood of Christ Jesus my Foundation shall not dictate my destiny. In Jesus name.
  29. * This year all those that rises against me shall be defeated before me. They came in one way but they shall flee from me in seven ways. In Jesus name.
  30. * This year the Lord will open my spiritual eyes to see where he will direct me. In Jesus name.
  31. * I receive grace for divine instruction on what to do and how to do it better. In Jesus name.
  32. * Every yoke manufacturer in my life/ destiny die with your yoke in Jesus name.
  33. * Powers that swallow my breakthroughs vomit them by fire in Jesus name.
  34. * Pharaohs from my place of birth, I bury you in the red sea in Jesus name.
  35. * Dry bones in my destiny, hear the word of the Lord, and receive life in Jesus mighty name.
  36. * Oh Lord, divide the tongues of my enemies after the order of the tower of Babel by fire in Jesus name.

May God answer all our prayers.
In Jesus Name